

QualiTy And Class, Down To The Last DeTail

If your home is a sym­pho­ny, then your visi­on of what mat­ters means kee­ping every sin­gle note in mind, inclu­ding fur­nis­hings and num­e­rous other details that make home life even more beautiful.


The amen­i­ties in BUWOG WEY­DEN­HOF are based on tim­e­l­ess design and qua­li­ty from renow­ned brand and pro­duct part­ners. You’ll find mate­ri­als of las­ting value: tiles, fix­tures, light swit­ches, out­lets – the­se are all important details that sim­ply make a difference.


The effi­ci­ent under­flo­or hea­ting is fed from a dis­trict hea­ting faci­li­ty with diver­si­fied ener­gy. This way, BUWOG WEY­DEN­HOF achie­ves an out­stan­ding pri­ma­ry ener­gy fac­tor of just 0.24. This means that for a heat out­put of 1 kWh in the buil­ding, just 0.24 kWh must be brought into the buil­ding by way of the hea­ting sys­tem. By com­pa­ri­son, the fac­tor is 1.1 with a clas­sic oil or gas hea­ting sys­tem. The excel­lent insu­la­ti­on at BUWOG WEY­DEN­HOF also com­pli­es with the KfW 55 EE standard.

Cer­ti­fied sus­taina­bi­li­ty: BUWOG WOHN­WERK has been pre-cer­ti­fied with “gold” sta­tus by the Ger­man Sus­tainable Buil­ding Coun­cil (DGNB), recei­ving top scores in the are­as of eco­lo­gi­cal foot­print, emis­si­ons, social infra­struc­tu­re, mobi­li­ty infra­struc­tu­re and other categories.


  • Win­dows with child-fri­end­ly fall protection

  • Genui­ne wood parquet

  • Under­flo­or heating

  • Flo­or-level tiled showers

  • Pre­mi­um bath fit­tings by well-known brand manufacturers

  • Well-con­cei­ved LED light­ing con­cept in the inte­ri­or courtyard

  • Video inter­com

  • Direct under­ground car park in all buildings


EveryThing included from
ca. 48 m² To 134 m²

A per­fect amount of space and sen­si­ble focus on the essen­ti­als: the two to two-and-a-half-room apart­ments in BUWOG WEY­DEN­HOF offer ever­y­thing you need to live. The well-con­cei­ved flo­or plans make opti­mal use of every squa­re met­re, giving the apart­ments a fair­ly airy and spa­cious feel. You’ll mar­vel at the amount of space!


The living and dining area has a very open design. This saves space, has a modern look and makes the inte­gra­ted kit­chen and dining area the cent­re of the apart­ment. In most cases, the sepa­ra­te uti­li­ty room offers space for a washing machi­ne and dryer.

Depen­ding on the loca­ti­on, the apart­ments have a pri­va­te gar­den, a ter­race, a bal­c­o­ny or a lar­ge roof­top ter­race and almost always a view of the Spree.

BUWOG Weydenhof Berlin
BUWOG Weydenhof Berlin


Flexible from ca. 74 m² To 113 m²

A three-room apart­ment in BUWOG WEY­DEN­HOF gives you maxi­mum fle­xi­bi­li­ty: an office, children’s room or dres­sing room – you deci­de! A three-room apart­ment offers you every pos­si­bi­li­ty, regard­less of your plans.


The lar­ge win­dows allow ple­nty of light into your new home, making the apart­ment espe­ci­al­ly bright and fri­end­ly and impar­ting a very posi­ti­ve atmo­sphe­re. Ever­y­day con­ve­ni­en­ces such as a washing machi­ne and dry­er are gene­ral­ly housed in the sepa­ra­te uti­li­ty room.

Most of the three-room apart­ments also have a view of the water and, depen­ding on the loca­ti­on, a pri­va­te gar­den, ter­race, bal­c­o­ny or even a roof­top terrace.


More space from ca. 95 m² To 127 m²

Some­ti­mes the­re has to be a bit more: with a four-room apart­ment in BUWOG WEY­DEN­HOF. Working from home, ple­nty of space for your hob­bies or an addi­ti­on to the fami­ly? A four-room apart­ment is rea­dy for any­thing and pro­vi­des free­dom, fle­xi­bi­li­ty and added comfort.


All four-room apart­ments have two spa­cious baths, some of them en suite and direct­ly acces­si­ble from the bed­room. In almost all of the apart­ments the­re is space for a washing machi­ne, dry­er and house­hold appli­ances in an extra uti­li­ty room.


Of cour­se the four-room apart­ments also bene­fit from a well-con­cei­ved lay­out and open living and dining area – the spa­cious focal point of the apart­ment, whe­re ever­yo­ne feels at home.

Whe­ther a ter­race, gar­den, bal­c­o­ny or sun-dren­ched roof­top ter­race – it’s enti­re­ly up to you. And a view of the water is almost always included.

BUWOG Weydenhof Berlin
BUWOG Weydenhof Berlin


Room for ideas from ca. 130 m² To 149 m²

Enjoy the fee­ling of maxi­mum com­fort. 149 m² pro­vi­de you with space for every life­style. For a lar­ge fami­ly, for hob­bies, for work or any­thing else you spend your time doing. With a 4.5- to five-room apart­ment in BUWOG WEY­DEN­HOF, you’ll expe­ri­ence maxi­mum living com­fort and unli­mi­t­ed freedom.


You don’t have to do wit­hout – that’s the rule here. Two baths, a sepa­ra­te uti­li­ty room that hou­ses the washing machi­ne and dry­er, thus crea­ting more space, plus, in addi­ti­on to the open-plan living and dining area and the mas­ter bed­room, up to three addi­tio­nal spa­cious rooms for ever­y­thing life has in store for you.


With such a gene­rous amount of space, the­re are no limits to your ide­as. A modern home office, pri­va­te fit­ness room, com­for­ta­ble guest room – or all of it at once? Design your apart­ment based sole­ly on your wishes.

Make your dream come true – a spa­cious apart­ment direct­ly on the water, whe­re life doesn’t get any better.

BUWOG Weydenhof Berlin



At BUWOG, sus­taina­bi­li­ty was an vital issue long befo­re it beca­me a trend. Of cour­se, with BUWOG WEY­DEN­HOF our aim is also to make the enti­re pro­ject as sus­tainable as pos­si­ble, from plan­ning to con­s­truc­tion and then some.

During deve­lo­p­ment we the­r­e­fo­re paid par­ti­cu­lar atten­ti­on so that main­ly rene­wa­ble raw mate­ri­als were used. Wood plays a major role in num­e­rous are­as in the buil­ding: for exam­p­le, the stag­ge­red flo­ors are con­s­truc­ted using an envi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly tim­ber hybrid con­s­truc­tion method. All of the buil­dings have a sus­pen­ded wood façade.

The roof­tops are exten­si­ve­ly gree­ned with a mini­mum thic­k­ness of 10 cm. This has an excel­lent natu­ral insu­la­ti­on effect and keeps the house cool in sum­mer and warm in win­ter. The open struc­tu­re of the buil­ding also pre­vents heat islands. The pro­xi­mi­ty to the Spree also has a posi­ti­ve effect in this respect.

We are also making every effort to have as posi­ti­ve an influence on the micro­cli­ma­te in the deve­lo­p­ment as pos­si­ble. The green under­ground car park makes a major con­tri­bu­ti­on here. Its roof­top is cover­ed with a lay­er of soil up to 60 cm high. Throug­hout the deve­lo­p­ment, the­re will be as few sur­faces as pos­si­ble sea­led and pre­do­mi­nant­ly water- and air-per­meable sur­faces will be used.

A total of 36 nati­ve trees and shrubs will be plan­ted to pro­vi­de plea­sant­ly cool shade.

This inten­si­ve plan­ting pro­mo­tes bio­di­ver­si­ty, and the con­ver­si­on of CO2 into oxy­gen and the bin­ding of fine dust noti­ce­ab­ly impro­ves the air qua­li­ty in the development.

In BUWOG WEY­DEN­HOF we are crea­ting attrac­ti­ve ser­vices for the mobi­li­ty tran­si­ti­on. The pro­xi­mi­ty to public trans­port makes it easy for resi­dents to lea­ve their cars behind. In the under­ground car park the­re is the pos­si­bi­li­ty to char­ge elec­tric cars. The enti­re deve­lo­p­ment also offers a suf­fi­ci­ent num­ber of par­king spaces for bicy­cles, e‑bikes and car­go bikes.

Learn more at buwog​.de/​n​a​c​h​h​a​l​t​i​g​k​eit 

BUWOG Weydenhof Berlin