Wel­co­me to the River Spree – and wel­co­me to the BUWOG WEY­DEN­HOF ensem­ble. Dis­co­ver rela­xed living here with all the advan­ta­ges of the big city. BUWOG WEY­DEN­HOF is part of the modern BUWOG WOHN­WERK resi­den­ti­al deve­lo­p­ment in Berlin-Niederschöneweide.

BUWOG Weydenhof Berlin


  • Shops for dai­ly needs within wal­king distance

  • Day-care cent­re direct­ly in the deve­lo­p­ment and schools in the imme­dia­te vicinity 

  • Good sup­p­ly of medi­cal prac­ti­ces in the sur­roun­ding area

  • Seve­ral play­grounds direct­ly in the development

  • Desi­gna­ted car-sha­ring area

  • Public char­ging infra­struc­tu­re for e‑mobility direct­ly in the neigh­bour­hood


  • Excel­lent con­nec­tion to the A 113 motorway

  • “Schö­ne­wei­de“ com­muter train sta­ti­on just a 3‑minute walk away

  • HTW Ber­lin Uni­ver­si­ty of Appli­ed Sci­en­ces a 15-minu­te walk away

  • Adlers­hof is 10 minu­tes away by train

  • Just 25 minu­tes by car to Alexanderplatz

  • Just 20 minu­tes by public trans­por­ta­ti­on or car to the BER Air­port


When dra­wing a line bet­ween lively Neu­kölln and quiet Köpe­nick, Nie­der­schö­ne­wei­de is right in the midd­le. And that’s exact­ly what it is in a figu­ra­ti­ve sen­se: quiet yet central.


BUWOG WEY­DEN­HOF is loca­ted direct­ly on the south bank of the Spree, in the midst of the deve­lo­p­ment and adja­cent to the latter’s new park. The only thing sepa­ra­ting the resi­den­ti­al ensemble’s five buil­dings from the water is an attrac­ti­ve river­si­de pro­me­na­de, which acts as a water­si­de link bet­ween the various parts of the deve­lo­p­ment and invi­tes you for a stroll.


The name­sa­ke of your new address, Hel­ga Hah­ne­mann, also refer­red to as “Hen­ne” or “Big Hel­ga”, was a Ber­lin enter­tai­ner who atten­ded the dra­ma school in Nie­der­schö­ne­wei­de from 1956 to 1959. She was known as a caba­ret artist, sin­ger and pre­sen­ter. The sketch she per­for­med, “Ham­mer für zwei”, which was basi­cal­ly the GDR’s “Din­ner for One”, is still a fix­tu­re of MDR’s New Year’s Eve programming.


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We are hap­py to advi­se you by per­so­nal appoint­ment also in our Info­point! Loca­ti­on: Has­sel­wer­der­stra­ße 27, 12439 Berlin Arran­ge your indi­vi­du­al con­sul­ta­ti­on appoint­ment now. Request now and find your desi­red date.

Things are moving!

Latest news from the construction site


ComforT, For The Long Term

With BUWOG WEY­DEN­HOF, the archi­tects from &MICA have crea­ted four ele­gant urban vil­las direct­ly on the Spree along with an accom­pany­ing apart­ment buil­ding. Here, your dream of water­front living and pre­mi­um, modern, sus­tainable archi­tec­tu­re will come true.

The rear-ven­ti­la­ted faça­des ensu­re an opti­mal indoor cli­ma­te and are given a par­ti­cu­lar­ly indi­vi­du­al touch by the woo­den clad­ding. The wood is pre-wea­the­red and has an distinc­ti­ve pati­na that always shows new facets depen­ding on the ang­le of reflection.

The indi­vi­du­al buil­dings of BUWOG WEY­DEN­HOF are arran­ged like mills, mea­ning a lar­ge share of the apart­ments have a view of the water.

The ground-flo­or apart­ments bene­fit from pri­va­te gar­dens, whe­re­as on the hig­her levels evenings can be enjoy­ed on extra­va­gant bal­co­nies and terraces.

A park-like inte­ri­or cour­ty­ard is loca­ted bet­ween the buil­dings, becko­ning resi­dents to spend time and brin­ging the neigh­bour­hood tog­e­ther to socialise.


  • 135 con­do­mi­ni­ums
  • 2 – 5 rooms
  • Approx. 48 m² – 149 m²
  • A wide varie­ty of layouts
  • Light-floo­ded rooms
  • Lar­ge roof­top ter­races due to asym­me­tri­cal­ly con­s­truc­ted stag­ge­red floors
  • All buil­dings are bar­ri­er-free accessible
  • Pram sto­rage on the ground floor
  • All apart­ments have a sto­rage com­part­ment in the basement